
Write data to a new file in the CheerpX DataDevice.

namespace CheerpX {
class DataDevice {
async writeFile(
filename: string,
contents: string | Uint8Array
): Promise<void>;


  • filename (string) - The path to the file within the device, starting with a / (e.g., /filename). The path should not include the mount point.
  • contents (string | Uint8Array) - The data to write to the file. Can be either a string or a Uint8Array.


CheerpX.DataDevice.writeFile returns a Promise that resolves when the file has been created and written to, but it does not return any value.


Write a file to the DataDevice.

// Create a read-only block device for a disk image stored on the HTTP server
const blockDevice = await CheerpX.HttpBytesDevice.create("/cheerpXImage.ext2");
// Make the block device read-write using a persistent IndexedDB overlay
const idbDevice = await CheerpX.IDBDevice.create("block_cpp");
const overlayDevice = await CheerpX.OverlayDevice.create(
// Add a device to expose JavaScript data in the VM
const dataDevice = await CheerpX.DataDevice.create();
// Initialize the CheerpX environment
const mountPoints = [
// Use the disk image as the filesystem root
{ type: "ext2", path: "/", dev: overlayDevice },
// Add the DataDevice to a known location
{ type: "dir", path: "/data", dev: dataDevice },
// Add the required Linux pseudo-filesystem
{ type: "devs", path: "/dev" },
{ type: "devpts", path: "/dev/pts" },
{ type: "proc", path: "/proc" },
const cx = await CheerpX.Linux.create({
mounts: mountPoints,
// Setup the text console
async function compileAndRun(cx, dataDevice, srcCode, inputName, outputName) {
// Make the source code available as a file
await dataDevice.writeFile("/" + inputName, srcCode);
// Compile the source code by calling g++
await cx.run(
["-v", "/data/" + inputName, "-o", "/" + outputName],
env: ["PATH=/usr/bin"],
await cx.run("/" + outputName, []);
const srcCode = `
#include <iostream>
int main()
std::cout << "Hello World" << std::endl;
return 0;
await compileAndRun(cx, dataDevice, srcCode, "hello.cpp", "hello");

In this example:

The writeFile method is used to write source code (srcCode) into a file (hello.cpp) on the DataDevice.

After that, the CheerpX environment runs a g++ command to compile the source code, and then executes the compiled file to output Hello World.

If you’d like to learn more about related topics, check out these guides:

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